Zippo Lighters: To Fill with Zippo Fuel or Not?

30 07 2010

I love my zippo. You can use it for a lot of other things other than lighting up your smokes. I’ve use the grill as a screwdriver, the base to hit in tent pegs and it’s handy as a torch when it’s gone dark and you’ve left your torch somewhere else!

I’d say as well, they ain’t windproof. I think any season camper who’s been in the mountains will testify that they’re not as good as those lighters that are like jet fighter plane engines and kinda glow blue then red. But, they don’t look as good or as cool as the zippo plus you can’t use it for the things above mentioned. They are REALLY useless as a light.

Anyway… enough about my ramblings. I’ve read the instructions for a Zippo and in 20 odd years of owning a Zippo, I’ve never had a problem using other brand fuel. Their main competitor it seems is Clipper which is around the same price. So my question, dear reader is what do you think? Any notable experiences with using other fuel?



2 responses

21 08 2010
zippo lighter

Zippo lighter is really very good…it is very easy to use and also very helpful for the people who continuously smoking…!

13 02 2011

And good for casting lights and putting it down without holding on to it! It’s one of the best for camping out in the wilderness, especially as the fuel for the lighter can be used to make fires and evaporates less than that of a can.

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