Rock Band 3 Keyboard Keypad plus Interface & MIDI PRO-Adapter

21 06 2010

Found a really cool article from Joystiq about the upcoming midi pro adapter and actual keyboard interface for the upcoming Rock Band 3 console game. Looks like Mad Catz were showing off their masterpiece at the E3 show! Check out the link there’s tonnes of pics!

Mad Catz’s midi PRO-Adapter connects to the Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii via USB, and the MIDI instrument plugs into the port on the side of the device! Pretty damn cool! Of course you can play with your instrument, but it only takes 5 keys so, if you’ve a grand piano you’re still gonna be stuck with 5 whatever! But still, it’s novel and fun!

Rock Band 3: New Instruments? Keyboards?

11 03 2010

According to a release on, it looks like Harmonix have indeed confirmed that Rock Band 3 is on their product map. Interesting. From various posts on forums relating to wishes and desires from the punters there seems to be a wonton need  for a keyboard interface.

Well,  maybe there will be but like the guitar hero I think all forms of real musicality other than pappa the rappa hit the keys in time, the real instrument vs the interface will probably be more like that used by level 42 with a trem bar.

All the PS interfaces are handheld. RockBand’s utility makes clever use that people are right in front of the TV. It’d surprise me if they went down a route with a table based device. It makes it more difficult for the guitarist to play along if so.  I’m still undecided, but I’d keep up your hopes if they do decide to make a table based instrument, it’d be very original if so!

South Park show off their rock band musicality…