Placebo Play Barcelona, 22nd June. Razzamatazz 1 or 2?

11 05 2010

Placebo, one of my favourite bands are playing Razzamatazz in Barcelona just before St Juan.

What a cool concert for midsummer’s day! It’s a bit uncertain if they’re playing at Razz 1 or 2. On nvivo it says 2, on the placebo homepage it says Razz 1.

I hope it’s Razz 2, having the band up close will be just amazing, but I don’t see it happening!

Although I don’t think Placebo really offer very varied albums since their humble beginnings, I think they are a great live hard rock band.

Tickets are priced around 35 euros. See you there at the gig in Barcelona!

Bands pay money to play, we pay to see them. Why does Razzamatazz have such bad sound engineers?

16 02 2010

In response to a concert I recently went to, I still have to state my disappointment with the sound quality and engineering at one of Barcelona’s most infamous venues.

Razzamatazz’s sound engineers,  in my humble opinion, can’t find an assortment of sound in a bunch of Bertie Bassets. Indeed I’ve directly twitted groups telling them about the bad acoustics and bad experience I had.

In Razz 2, I’ve been to countless concerts and the same not up to scratch sound. If I’m paying to play, I expect someone who knows acoustics, can measure the body matter of the crowd and adjust volume and bass. Hey, I paid X to get in. You expect me to be well behaved. I expect you to provide me with the professionalism that I paid for.

At this concert in the smaller Razz 3, the guitar EQ was down and lacked a harder bass edge. The bass however was very clear but the fuzz-box was a bit too intense. It wasn’t until the 4th song that there was any return to balance.

I welcome any comments, especially from the venue. I hope I can get a guarantee on better sound production. Until then, I’m boycotting going to concerts there, even for my fav bands.